Liver Failure

Liver failure is a life-threatening condition that demands urgent medical care.

Liver failure means that your liver is losing or has lost all of its function.

The first symptoms of liver failure are often nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, and diarrhea. Because these symptoms can have any number of causes, it may be hard to tell that the liver is failing.

But as liver failure progresses, the symptoms become more serious. The patient may become confused and disoriented, and extremely sleepy. There is a risk of coma and death. Immediate treatment is needed. The medical team will try to save whatever part of the liver that still works. If this is not possible, the only option may be a liver transplant.

When liver failure occurs as a result of cirrhosis, it usually means that the liver has been failing gradually for some time, possibly for years. This is called chronic liver failure.

Cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure are serious conditions that can threaten your life. Once you have reached these stages of liver disease, your treatment options may be very limited. Because of this it is important to catch liver disease early, in the inflammation and fibrosis stages. Treated successfully at these stages your liver will have a chance to heal itself and recover